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Twilight 200 135-36 Motion Picture Color Negative Film

Kodak Vision3 200T/5213


ISO: 200

Format: 135

Exposures: 36

Develop: ECN-2


Kodak 200T (5213) is suitable for the sensitivity of 100-400 degrees, the originally recommended exposure (EI.) is 200 degrees.


Among Kodak's motion films, as a roll suitable for friends who have just stepped into motion picture negatives from general negatives, it has a flexible photosensitive range and has a blue colour temperature rare in motion picture film, allowing you to look for themes. , With different colour rendering tones from general negatives.


Among motion picture films, there are mainly two types of negatives, which are distinguished by colour temperature, namely Daylight and Tungsten. The difference between the two is the colour temperature, but you can understand it this way. Most of the negatives you shoot are designed based on daylight films, suitable for outdoor, sunlight, etc. colour temperature, while tungsten film are used for crews in complex environments and when artificial light sources are needed. The color temperature created.

Twilight 200 Vision3 200T/5213 135-36 Motion Picture Color Negative Film

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